Let´s play.

Listen and write in English

1.- How many times does number " 9 " appear between 1 and 100? Think about it. You cannot use a pencil and paper.

2.- Look at these letters: O T T F F S S ? , can you discover which is the next one? Why?

3.- Is there anything else worse than finding a worm while eating an apple? Why?

4.-It takes a snail (caracol) ninety minutes to go from A to B, but it takes it one hour and a half to return from B to A.How can you explain it?

5.- A plane is flying from Madrid to Paris. Just over the Pyrénées it falls down and crashes on the border between Spain and France. Where would you bury the survivors? In France or in Spain? Why?

6.- (Before you begin tell your students that they cannot use pen or paper. They have to think about the problem).

My mother gave me 83 pesetas and I spent them all except 17 pts. Have much do I have left?

7.-Maybe this problem is too easy for such an intelligent boy or girl as you, but let's see anyway. How many faces has an hexagonal pencil got? Why?

8.- A man was looking at a photograph and somebody asked him, 'Who is the one in the photo?'. He answered, 'I have no brothers or sisters, but this man's father is my father's son'. (By 'this man's father', he meant the father of the man in the photograph). Who was the one in the photograph?

9.- If I give you this series of numbers, which one will correspond to "? " ? Why?

5 - 3 - 2 9 - 4 - 5 11 - 3 - ?

10.- Are you good at correcting mistakes? Let's see:

There is three mistakes in this sentnse . Can you find them?

11.- How many pairs of animals did Moses take with him into the Ark?


1.- Although some students say 11, they do not take into account the existance of 91, 92, 93, etc. In fact, 9 appears 20 times between 1 and 100.

2.- The next letter is E (eight). These letters correspond to numbers: One, Two, Three, etc.

3.- Yes, finding half a worm, because it means you have already swallowed the other half.

4.- There is no difference at all: 90'= 1h 30'.

5.- Neither in Spain nor in France. You don't bury the survivors.

6.- Some students may say 66 pts (83-17=66); but, of course, they have got 17 pts left.

7.- If they are too quick to answer they will probably say 6, but that's wrong. It may be 7 or 8.

8.- The man is looking at a photograph of his son.

9.- The answer is 8. (5-3=2; 9-4=5; 11-3=8).

10.- One: *'There is' followed by plural.

Two: *'sentnse' should be spelt 'sentence'.

Three: There are only two mistakes in the sentence.

11.- It was not Moses but Noah who brought the animals into the Ark.


1.- Although some students say 11, they do not take into account the existance of 91, 92, 93, etc. In fact, 9 appears 20 times between 1 and 100.

2.- The next letter is E (eight). These letters correspond to numbers: One, Two, Three, etc.

3.- Yes, finding half a worm, because it means you have already swallowed the other half.

4.- There is no difference at all: 90'= 1h 30'.

5.- Neither in Spain nor in France. You don't bury the survivors.

6.- Some students may say 66 pts (83-17=66); but, of course, they have got 17 pts left.

7.- If they are too quick to answer they will probably say 6, but that's wrong. It may be 7 or 8.

8.- The man is looking at a photograph of his son.

9.- The answer is 8. (5-3=2; 9-4=5; 11-3=8).

10.- One: *'There is' followed by plural.

Two: *'sentnse' should be spelt 'sentence'.

Three: There are only two mistakes in the sentence.

11.- It was not Moses but Noah who brought the animals into the Ark.
